Winter is coming. Are you heating your home safely?
16th November 2022

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12th December 2023
Over the last few years climate change has made its way into daily conversation. With its effects being felt at home as well as globally, we’re all more invested in the health of the planet than ever before.
While the majority of us make a good effort to prevent waste, recycle where we can, and generally adopt better habits to protect our environments, there are some areas, including home heating, that are still impacting the weight of the UK’s carbon footprint. Let’s face it, we all whacked up the boiler’s thermostat in recent weeks, when the cold snaps were at their worst. And that countrywide use of energy costs the environment.
So, with that in mind, and with us all resolving to do our bit by the planet in 2024, what can we expect from the world of home heating in the year ahead?
The integration of smart home technology is likely to advance further in 2024. Smart thermostats, which allow us to control heating remotely through our smartphone apps, are already widespread. Future advancements may include more sophisticated AI-driven systems that learn user preferences and optimise heating schedules for energy efficiency. Clever, right?
Hybrid heating systems that combine traditional boilers, like those found in most British homes, with heat pumps or other renewable technologies could gain popularity. These systems provide flexibility, using the most efficient energy source, based on external conditions. Watch this space for the future of the home boiler.
Advanced energy storage solutions could start to play a role in optimising energy usage for heating. Storing excess energy generated from renewables during off-peak times and utilising it during high-demand periods can contribute to energy efficiency. While this is more for electric energy, it’s a clever advancement, and definitely one worth mentioning.
We love radiators. Combined with your boiler, they’re a power duo, whose designs have remained largely unchanged for years, basically because they work so well. However, radiator designs of the future will show improvements in better heat distribution and energy efficiency. Innovations could include the use of advanced materials and technologies to enhance the performance of the humble home radiator.
Comprehensive home energy management systems that monitor and control not only heating but also other energy-consuming devices in a household, will probably become more sophisticated in the year to come – optimising overall energy efficiency.
As the UK explores alternative fuels, hydrogen boilers are likely to become more prevalent. These boilers produce heat by burning hydrogen gas, emitting only water vapour as a byproduct, and potentially offering a cleaner heating solution.
Whichever way you look at it, change is on its way, and for the better in our opinion. We’re looking forward to a new year filled with developments and advancements in home heating, and because we’re your local boiler buffs, you can rely on us to bring you all the latest in boiler and heating news. Happy New Year when it arrives!
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16th November 2022
2nd January 2024
10th October 2023