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What to do with a cold radiator

23rd January 2024

Man warming hands on a radiator

It’s cold out there and we need our central heating to be on the money. So, what do you do when the heating is on but your radiators are cool to the touch? Radiators come in all shapes and sizes but they are an integral part of our central heating systems, transferring heat from the hot water to the air in our rooms. Cold radiators, however, are a common problem and there are many causes, such as:

  • Thermostat is set too low
  • Timer isn’t working
  • Radiator valve is closed
  • Air pockets in the system
  • Blockages within the system
  • Circulation fault

If you’re having issues with all of your radiators, it’s likely to be down to your central heating or boiler. If it’s just one or two radiators playing up, then there are various solutions. First things first, let’s check the basics.

  • Thermostat – make sure the room thermostat is set to the desired temperature and that the overall heating system is switched on
  • Valves – check that both valves on the cold radiator are fully open. Some have a handle while others might have a lock-nut style control. If they the valves are fully open but the radiator is still cold, they could be blocked. A cleaning of the system by one of our GasSafe-registered engineers should put this right
  • Air in the system – listen for gurgling noises in the pipes, which can indicate trapped air. This can prevent hot water from reaching the radiator. Try bleeding the radiator to remove it. You’ll need a bleed key (available at most hardware stores) and a cloth. Open the bleed valve slightly until water starts to come out, then close it immediately. Repeat for any other problematic radiators
  • Cold radiators upstairs – there is a chance that the feed from your expansion tank has run dry. In this situation, one of our engineers would clear any obstructions to the ball valve in your cistern and then refill the tank to ensure there’s enough water to float the ballcock
  • Cold radiators downstairs – this could be a problem with the pump that pushes water around your heating system. A hot or noisy pump might be close to breaking down. If this is the issue, one our Gas Safe-registered engineers can either fix or replace the pump for you

It’s always worth remembering the key components of your conventional central heating system.

  • Boiler – the heart of the system, responsible for heating the water
  • Pump –  pushes the water through the pipes
  • Thermostat – controls the overall system temperature by telling the boiler when to switch on and off
  • Radiators – transfer heat from the hot water to the room air
  • Valves – control the flow of water to individual radiators

These are the mostly reliable members of your heating squad, but it only takes one of them to pick up a fault for the whole thing to stop working. Top tip: Regular servicing of your heating system will keep it working through all weathers. Talk to the team about our boiler services and all-inclusive boiler cover packages.

Need help with your boiler or heating system? Contact us today