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What is the ideal temperature for your home?

14th November 2023

Smart home system, wall and woman hands with digital app monitor for thermostat heating, temperature control or house automation. Future AI software, ui air conditioning panel and girl with IOT tech.

The happiest of couples and the closest friends will come to blows about this question. We have good news and bad. The good news is that we do have a straight answer for you. The bad news is that ultimately, it does come down to subjectivity. However, there are some very clear guidelines on how to heat your home safely to protect the people within, and how to keep the costs down while doing so. 

Creating a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment can feel challenging when one person in the household always has an eye on the pennies. But, here are some ways to ensure your home stays cosy, for a lot less than you might think. 

Cut to the chase

Okay, sorry, here’s the answer. In the UK, the recommended temperature for living spaces is roughly 18 to 21 degrees Celsius (64 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit). This range is considered comfortable for most people and is in line with guidelines from energy conservation organisations. Setting your thermostat within this range strikes a balance between maintaining a warm and cosy atmosphere, while avoiding excessive energy consumption. It’s also important to note that if you have small children, elderly people or those receiving treatment for an illness, it’s even more important to keep the temperature at a reasonable level. 

That’s all very well we hear you cry, but what about the cost? We’ve got you covered, never fear. Here are some failsafe ways to protect your finances and your family.

1 Use a thermostat

Installing a smart thermostat allows you to manage the heating of your home in zones. Basically, you heat the rooms you’re occupying and reduce wasted energy heating those that aren’t. Makes sense, right? 

2 Install a smart meter

This clever device puts you in the driving seat. These meters allow you to keep score of your energy usage as you use it. Most energy suppliers will install one for free, as it’s a great way to keep costs down for us and make sure that their billing system remains accurate.

3 Get your boiler serviced

Faulty boilers are not only inefficient, but dangerous. An annual service is an absolute must to keep you and your family safe and warm this winter.

4 Bleed your radiators

When air gets trapped inside your radiators it stops the efficient release of hot air into a room, meaning your boiler has to work harder to achieve your optimum temperature. This wastes energy and therefore, cash. If you’d like more information on how to bleed your radiators, you can check out some of our FAQs here.

5 Consider a boiler cover plan

If you’re one of life’s budgeters, a boiler cover plan may be right for you. From less than £5/month, you’re assured of an annual service with qualified engineers, as well as cover for your boiler, controls, thermostats, valves and pumps. Check out all of our sensible boiler cover plan options here


Ultimately, the perfect temperature for your home is a balance between personal preference, energy efficiency, and cost consideration. Anything less than 18 degrees would be considered unsafe and anything more than 21 degrees, is possibly excessive. While there may still be conflict around personal comfort in your home, at least you know you can safely heat it in a cost-effective way. 

Need help with your boiler or heating system? Contact us today