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The top 5 reasons for installing a carbon monoxide detector

5th June 2023

Carbon monoxide and smoke detector

Carbon Monoxide poisoning is serious – deadly serious. The culprit? Any gas appliance in your home that has been incorrectly installed or poorly maintained. This essentially means that the gas powered devices we use around the home every day are potential ticking time bombs if not properly looked after.

Getting your boiler, wider heating system and gas appliances regularly serviced is the best way to keep you and your loved ones safe. Our GasSafe-registered engineers are experts on gas safety, and an annual service with one of our team will give you peace of mind. Get in touch to find out more.

So, do you still need a carbon monoxide detector?

In short, yes! We all need car insurance, even if we’re careful drivers, right? While regular services and proper maintenance prevent the vast majority of carbon monoxide leaks, it is still vitally important to install a detector in your home. There are five main reasons for this:

  • It can be a  legal requirement. If you’re a landlord – or responsible for people living at a property belonging to you, you must have a carbon monoxide alarm fitted in any room where gas combustion occurs
  • It can save your life. Carbon monoxide poisoning is deadly. Even small amounts of the gas in your home can have severe consequences. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning mimic those of the common flu and can be hard to detect – fitting an alarm is the best way to stay safe and get your family out in time
  • Your insurance company might require it. Many insurers will only comfortably insure a home with working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms fitted
  • It reduces anxiety. Knowing your family can sleep soundly and safely at night is reassuring
  • Carbon monoxide is released during a house fire. The carbon monoxide alarm is often triggered before the smoke alarm, giving you some extra precious time to act

Up to 60 preventable deaths a year occur in the UK as a direct result of carbon monoxide poisoning. Fitting a working alarm and taking good care of your boiler and other gas operated appliances is the best way to stay safe.

Our team is on hand to talk servicing and alarm fitting – so get in touch today.

Need help with your boiler or heating system? Contact us today