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How expensive are boiler repairs in the UK, if you don’t have cover or insurance?

10th August 2023

Woman having a shower

It’s a good question and definitely one worth considering if you’re currently shopping around for boiler cover. The truth is, the answer isn’t as cut and dry as you’d hope.

The cost of boiler repairs in the UK, without the protection that cover or insurance gives you, can vary widely. The punch you take to your back pocket is influenced by the type of boiler you have, the location of the engineer you get in to fix the issue and of course, the problem itself.

So, what are some of the most common boiler faults and what’s it going to cost you to put them right?

Common boiler faults

Boiler problems can range from a basic pilot light going out to something much more concerning. Knowing what to look out for can help you when trying to figure out how much one of these issues might set you back. So what are some of the most common faults with household boilers?

  • Boiler leaks: One of the most frequent boiler problems and can be caused by any number of things. A faulty seal, a corroded pipe, or a crack in the boiler itself could all be to blame. If you notice your boiler is leaking, it’s important to get it looked at on-the-double, before it does any more damage.
  • Low boiler pressure: Pretty easy one to solve if it’s a one off, but starts to become more worrying if the issue is ongoing. One of our qualified gas engineers will be able to give you a better picture of what to expect in terms of repair, if this is a consistent problem in your home. 
  • Noisy boiler: Clunking around and generally making a nuisance of itself? This could be down to age but does warrant further investigation. We recommend getting your boiler serviced annually to prevent issues like this one, or worse!
  • No heat or hot water: Eeeek, right? This can be a sign of a serious problem and you don’t need us to tell you to get an engineer out pronto, you’ve probably already called one!
  • Pilot light keeps going out: The pilot light is the small gas burner that is kept alight permanently on your boiler. If the pilot light keeps going out, it can be caused by a number of things; a draught, a faulty thermocouple, or a build-up of dirt on the pilot light. Normally a fixable problem, but worth getting it checked more thoroughly if it keeps happening. 

So, what are these problems going to do to the bank balance?

While it can be tricky to pinpoint an exact figure, the average cost of a boiler repair in the UK is between £100 and £500; with entire system replacements going into the thousands. One or two issues cropping up each year can mean a hefty whack of your hard earned going towards emergency call outs. 

Here are some examples of call out charges to basic issues. 

  • Fuse blown: £100+
  • Pilot light out: £100+
  • Thermostat faulty: £150+
  • Heat exchanger leaking: £450+
  • Circulation pump faulty: £250+

The best way to avoid unexpected costs like these, is to get your boiler serviced annually. All our boiler cover plans include an annual service as standard, as well as peace of mind for any surprises your boiler decides to throw at you. With policies starting from as little as £7.97/month, the question is, can you afford not to?


Need help with your boiler or heating system? Contact us today