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7 things you need to know about Sensible Boiler Cover

15th August 2023

Mother and child jumping

So, you’re in the market for boiler cover and shopping around to get the best deal? Smart cookie. We’re pretty confident that our boiler cover is the most comprehensive and best value that you’ll find, and here are seven reasons why:

1 Age is but a number

Basically, we’ll cover any boiler, regardless of its trips around the sun; as long as there are no pre-existing issues.

2 All inclusive

Some boiler cover policies will have a sting in the tail, protecting you for boiler repair work but not including the parts. We’re happy to say that Sensible Boiler Cover includes all parts as standard.

3 Your premiums stay the same 

Unlike some other boiler cover plans, Sensible Boiler Cover won’t hike-up the prices mid-contract. There are no hidden costs, and unless the powers that be decide on VAT changes, your cover cost will remain the same. It’s worth noting that our cover packages include one call-out a year, as well as an annual service. If you need a bit more of our time than that, then it might affect your premium the following year. We like to think we’re one of the good guys, so we’ll always be fair and open when it comes to discussing boiler cover renewals.

4 24-hour response time

You’re boiler’s gone bust and you need someone there sharpish, right? We get that. That’s why we commit to doing everything we can to get an engineer to your door within 24 hours, and sooner if possible. 

5 We look after landlords and private homes

It can be tricky to find boiler cover for commercial or rented properties. Additional wear and tear and the risk of being knocked about a bit more can all push your premium up. Landlords are legally required to provide tenants with an LGSR (Landlord Gas Safety Record) and you don’t want to be paying over the odds for this each time a new tenant moves in. Enter the Sensible Boiler Cover hero. Along with your certificate and a sensible monthly premium you’ll get:

  • An inspection of your gas meter, gas pipework and gas appliances in your home
  • Repairs and replacements for your gas pipework and gas appliances
  • A Gas Safety Certificate for your gas meter, gas pipework, gas boiler and gas appliances (we can email the certificate to you and your tenant too if you prefer)

6 Monthly or annually – whatever works for you

Don’t you hate it when you’re penalised for wanting to pay for your premiums monthly? Yeah, us too. We were fed up of seeing other boiler cover plans whack on interest for customers paying monthly instead of annually, in one lump sum. So you pay the same with Sensible Boiler Cover, whether you’re a monthly or an annual payer. 

7 You’re entitled to a cooling-off period

Like most cover plan options, you can cancel your cover within 14 days of signing up. We don’t think you’ll need to of course, but the option’s there. After the initial 14 days, there may be a small charge to cancel, as all our cover packages are based on annual agreements. We’ll always discuss this with you first.

So, there you have it. The seven greatest reasons to get started with Sensible Boiler Cover. Wow, we almost forgot the most important one of all…we’re the nicest and most qualified bunch you’ll ever have the pleasure of working with. Our friendly team is on hand to discuss any more questions you might have on Sensible Boiler Cover. Please get in touch to find out more. 

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