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A handy guide if you’re considering a regular boiler

8th February 2023

woman in bath

Regular or ‘conventional boilers’, despite their underwhelming titles, have a lot to say for themselves. There’s nothing run of the mill about these fellas.

Most of us will have heard of combi boilers, which are the most common variety now in your average British home. But a combi doesn’t always cut the mustard. If you find yourself dealing with any of the following, it’s likely that a regular boiler is actually your safest bet.

  • Low water pressure
  • A busy household (where more than one shower might be needed at once)
  • An older property, where pipework and radiators need to be preserved

So, if your lot are constantly fighting over the hot water, or you’re lovingly bringing an older property into the 21st century, the chances are that you’re onto a winner with a regular boiler. Here are the brands of regular boiler we install for our customers.

How do regular boilers work?

A regular boiler provides heating and hot water, with the help of a cold water tank and a hot water cylinder. Both these component parts sit separately from the boiler itself, meaning the regular boiler can be somewhat cumbersome when compared to its neat combi cousin.

However, it does mean you’re unlikely to run out of hot water, and crucially for those period properties, you can preserve your vintage radiators and leave expensive pipework intact.

The boiler itself has three parts to it:

  1. The boiler, the main hub which sends hot water where it needs to go in your home
  2. A cold water tank (often stored in the loft space), which drip feeds water into the hot water tank, making sure you never run out
  3. The hot water tank (cylinder), which keeps your water toasty warm, in case everyone decides to have a shower at the same time

Is there a downside?

Whilst the regular boiler is a great solution in some situations, there are a couple of niggles to look out for.

  • Hot water is plentiful…as long as you remember to allow enough time for the hot water cylinder to heat up. So, there can be some thumb twiddling on occasion
  • If the whole sports team decides to shower at once, the hot water can run out, meaning even more thumb twiddling whilst you wait for the tank to refill
  • They’re bulky. If you have the space all well and good, but for smaller, more compact homes, it might be better to look at a combi. You can read more about them here.
  • They can be inefficient as heat is lost whilst stored in the hot water cylinder

So what do we reckon to regular boilers?

We’re boiler nerds so we love them!

While they’re not for everyone, a regular boiler can be a sensible choice for larger homes with more demand for hot water.

If your current heating system needs updating or replacing, and you have a regular boiler in place, then it can also save your wallet. Replacing the whole kit and caboodle, with a brand new system, can really pack a punch.

If you’re still not sure what the best option is for you, get in touch. We can talk you through some of your choices and advise on the best solutions available to you.

Need help with your boiler or heating system? Contact us today