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Vaillant F24 Fault Code: Meaning, Symptoms, Actions, Causes & Prevention

The Vaillant F24 fault code indicates an issue with water circulation in your boiler. Symptoms include the boiler shutting down, displaying the F24 code, and possibly making unusual noises. This fault can lead to overheating and damage to the boiler’s components. Common causes are closed isolation valves, faulty pumps, debris, airlocks, and electrical errors. You can take preventative measures. These include: regular servicing, system flushing, installing filters, monitoring water pressure, fixing leaks quickly, and setting pumps correctly.

Vaillant F24 Fault Code

Meaning of the Vaillant F24 Fault Code

The Vaillant F24 fault code means there is an issue with water circulation in your boiler. This code indicates that the boiler is not detecting sufficient water flow through the system. The boiler shuts down when its internal sensors detect a flow problem. This often happens, as a protective measure. This fault code’s purpose is to stop the boiler from running without enough water circulation. This could overheat and damage it.

What causes the Vaillant F24 fault code?

The Vaillant F24 fault code can be caused by several factors. These include closed isolation valves, a faulty pump, debris in the system, airlocks, and electrical issues. Each of these factors disrupts the normal flow of water through the boiler, triggering the fault code.

How does the F24 fault code affect boiler operation?

When the F24 fault code appears, the boiler stops working to prevent potential damage. This means you will have no heating or hot water until the issue is resolved. The fault code is a safety measure. It ensures the boiler does not run in conditions that could cause overheating or other damage.

What should you check if you see the F24 fault code?

If you see the F24 fault code, check the isolation valves to ensure they are open. Inspect the pump for signs of overheating or malfunction. Look for any debris or blockages in the system that might be affecting water flow. Additionally, check for airlocks by bleeding the radiators and the pump.

Can you fix the F24 fault code yourself?

Some aspects of the F24 fault code can be fixed yourself. You can open isolation valves, bleed radiators to remove airlocks, and inspect for visible debris. However, if the problem is a faulty pump or electrical issues, you should contact a professional engineer. They will do the repairs.

How can you prevent the F24 fault code from occurring?

To prevent the F24 fault code, ensure regular servicing of your boiler by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Regularly flush the system to remove any debris and sludge. Install a magnetic system filter to capture debris. Monitor the water pressure and fix any leaks promptly. Ensure the pump settings are correct for the size of your property.

Is the Vaillant F24 fault code serious?

The Vaillant F24 fault code means a serious issue with water circulation. This problem can cause overheating and damage if not fixed. It is a protective measure to prevent more damage. But, it should be fixed quickly to restore your boiler’s normal operation.

Does the F24 fault code indicate a need for a new boiler?

The F24 fault code does not necessarily mean you need a new boiler. However, if the boiler is old and frequently showing fault codes, it might be more cost-effective to consider a replacement. A professional engineer can provide advice on whether a repair or replacement is the best option based on the boiler’s condition.

Symptoms of the Vaillant F24 Fault Code

The Vaillant F24 fault code presents several noticeable symptoms. First, the boiler stops working entirely, resulting in no heating or hot water. This shutdown protects the system from damage caused by insufficient water flow. Second, the boiler displays the F24 error code on its control panel, making it clear that there is a specific issue with water circulation. Also, the boiler may make unusual noises like gurgling or hissing. These sounds may mean the system has trapped air or blockages.

Another symptom includes the boiler pump feeling unusually hot to the touch. This can indicate a seized or malfunctioning pump, which is working harder due to restricted water flow. Additionally, radiators and towel rails may stay cold despite the boiler being on. This suggests that water isn’t circulating well. Lastly, the water pressure gauge might show a drop in pressure, further confirming circulation issues.

Spotting these symptoms quickly helps diagnose the F24 fault code. It also helps take appropriate action to fix the boiler. Regular maintenance and monitoring can prevent such issues from escalating.

What to Do When Your Vaillant Boiler Shows F24 Fault?

When your Vaillant boiler displays the F24 fault code, follow these steps. First, turn off the boiler immediately to prevent further damage. Locate the isolation valves and ensure they are open to allow water flow. Next, check the boiler pump for signs of overheating or malfunction. You can touch the pump to see if it feels excessively hot, which indicates a possible issue. Also, bleed the radiators to remove any airlocks that might be obstructing water flow.

Safety Disclaimer

Always refer to your boiler’s instruction manual before attempting any fixes. Only perform tasks that are clearly outlined in the manual. For any repairs beyond basic troubleshooting, contact a Gas-Safe registered engineer. This ensures safety and compliance with legal standards.

How to Turn Off Your Boiler Safely

Locate the main power switch on your boiler or the fuse box controlling it. Switch off the power to the boiler to prevent any electrical hazards. Ensure that the gas supply remains unaffected unless there is a specific gas-related issue.

Should I Shut Off the Gas Supply?

You should only shut off the gas supply if you suspect a gas leak. Signs of a gas leak include the smell of gas, a hissing sound near the boiler, or visible damage to the gas lines. In such cases, turn off the gas at the main valve and contact a Gas-Safe engineer immediately.

Where Are the Isolation Valves?

Isolation valves are typically located below the boiler. They control the water flow into and out of the boiler system. To check if they are open, look for slots on the valves. If the slots are parallel to the pipes, the valves are open. If they are perpendicular, the valves are closed and need to be turned parallel using a screwdriver.

How to Check for Water Leaks?

Inspect the area around your boiler for any signs of water pooling or dripping. Check the boiler components and pipes for visible leaks. If you find any, note their locations and inform your Gas-Safe engineer. Water leaks can affect boiler pressure and cause the F24 fault.

Should I Bleed the Radiators?

Yes, bleeding the radiators can help remove airlocks that may cause the F24 fault. Use a radiator key to open the bleed valve on each radiator until water starts to flow steadily. Close the valve tightly after bleeding to prevent leaks.

By following these steps, you can address the immediate issues related to the F24 fault code. If these actions do not resolve the problem, contact a professional for further assistance.

6 Major Causes of The Vaillant F24 Fault Code

The Vaillant F24 fault code can be caused by several key issues. These include closed valves that isolate, a faulty pump, debris, airlocks, wrong pump speeds, and electrical errors. Each cause disrupts water flow. This triggers the fault code and hurts the boiler’s performance.

Closed Isolation Valves

Closed isolation valves prevent water from flowing into the boiler system. These valves might be accidentally left closed after servicing or maintenance. Without adequate water flow, the boiler cannot function properly, leading to the F24 fault code. Check the isolation valves to ensure they are open and aligned with the pipes.

Faulty Pump

A faulty pump can significantly hinder water circulation. Seized parts or pump failure cause overheating and poor performance. The pump should be warm but not hot to the touch. If it feels excessively hot, the pump might be malfunctioning and needs inspection or replacement by a professional.

Debris in the System

Debris such as limescale and iron oxide can accumulate in the boiler system, particularly in the heat exchanger. This build-up blocks water flow and reduces the efficiency of heat transfer. Regular system flushing and the use of a magnetic system filter can help prevent debris accumulation. An engineer can clean or replace affected components if necessary.


Airlocks occur when air bubbles become trapped in the system, obstructing water flow. These air bubbles can form in the pump, radiators, or other parts of the heating system. Bleeding the radiators and the pump can release trapped air and restore normal water circulation. Ensuring the system is properly vented during installation and maintenance helps prevent airlocks.

Incorrect Pump Speed Settings

The pump speed must be appropriately set for the size of the property. Larger properties require higher pump speeds to ensure sufficient water circulation. If the pump speed is too low, especially in larger properties, it can trigger the F24 fault code. Adjust the pump settings according to the property’s requirements.

Electrical Errors

Electrical errors can disrupt the communication between the boiler’s pump and its control board (PCB). Issues like faulty wiring or a malfunctioning PCB can lead to improper pump operation and the F24 fault code. Diagnosing and fixing electrical errors should be done by a qualified engineer. They do this to ensure safety and proper function.

Understanding these causes helps in effectively addressing the F24 fault code and maintaining your boiler’s efficiency. In the next section, we will explore the preventative measures in more detail to avoid encountering the F24 fault code in the future.

Preventing Future F24 Fault Code

Preventing future F24 faults involves regular maintenance and proactive measures. Annual boiler maintenance by a Gas-Safe registered engineer is crucial. This ensures all components are in good working condition and any potential issues are identified early. A boiler cover can provide peace of mind, offering regular check-ups and prompt repairs.

Homeowners can also take steps to maintain their boiler system. Regularly bleeding radiators and checking isolation valves ensures proper water flow. Installing a magnetic system filter helps prevent debris build-up. Monitoring the water pressure and promptly fixing any leaks keeps the system running efficiently. Adjusting pump speed settings based on property size further ensures optimal performance.


Any work beyond the operations described in the user manual should be performed by a Gas-Safe registered engineer. Attempting complex repairs without proper qualifications can be dangerous and may void warranties. Always seek professional assistance to ensure safety and compliance with regulations.